Pictured: My beloved dog, Yuki, in her Christmas tree outfit. When thinking about what to write for this week’s blog post, I realized that I have the last Fasken slot before Christmas. This got me thinking: what can I write that’s relevant to the holidays? It then dawned on me…
Category: Spouse
Today’s blog was written by Jessica Butler, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP. This past Tuesday, October 15th, marked a significant milestone for me an my husband – one whole year of marital bliss! With the traditional first-anniversary gift being paper, I found myself thinking about a particularly profound paper: a…
Maddi Thomas associate Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP Estate planning presents several unique considerations for Indigenous peoples to whom the Indian Act applies: i.e., First Nation peoples who possess Indian status (“status”) and who “ordinarily reside”[1] on reserve land.[2] To be clear, while the term “Indian” may not be appropriate to use in…
Anna Chen, Associate, Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP An interesting question arose recently on how an attorney for property can enter into a domestic contract on behalf of the mentally incapable person. Part IV of the Family Law Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F. 3 (“FLA”), sets out the provisions respecting “domestic…
This blog has been written by Maddi Thomas, Associate at Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP Beneficiary designations are commonly used by individuals to allow registered retirement savings plans (“RRSP”) and other savings accounts to “pass outside of the estate”, i.e., be distributed or transferred outright to a surviving co-owner; or, in…
Happy 2024 everyone! The start of a new year is often the impetus for individuals to revisit their estate plan.[1] While this is a worthwhile exercise, it’s important to remember that there are several other key moments that may occur at any point during a given year that should give…
There are a few occasions when you want someone who is not you to have as much money as possible. The first situation is when you are a beneficiary of their estate. The second situation is when you seeking an equalization payment under the Family Law Act. In both situations,…
This blog has been written by Darren Lund a partner at Fasken LLP. Marriage contracts and cohabitation agreements are an increasingly important aspect of estate planning and wealth preservation. They can be used for a number of reasons and in a variety of contexts. Think of the parents wishing to…
Today’s Blog Post was written by Gabrielle Arbic-Lloyd, Student-at-Law at Fasken LLP In February, the Ontario Court of Appeal ordered one spouse to pay the other more than one million dollars in costs in addition to spousal and child support. So what motivated the Court to order this spouse to…
While the right of survivorship is often thought of as the defining characteristic of joint tenancy, joint tenancy is also defined by “four unities.” Justice Perell succinctly defined the “four unities” in Royal & SunAlliance Insurance Company v Muir, 2011 ONSC 2273: A joint tenancy is distinguished by what are…