All About Estates

Month: December 2017

Total 13 Posts

The Senate Strikes Back?

The latest chapter in the ongoing saga of the federal government’s reforms to the taxation of private companies was released on December 13, 2017. On that date, the Minister of Finance released the draft legislation and explanatory notes for the revised version of the “income sprinkling” or “TOSI” (tax on…

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The SDA and Incapacity to Manage Personal Care – Additional Commentary on Limitations in Legislation

Pursuant to Section 45 of the Substitute Decisions Act (SDA),[i] incapacity for personal care is defined as – A person is incapable of personal care if the person is not able to understand information that is relevant to making a decision concerning his or her own health care, nutrition, shelter,…

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Trust Allocations and Gifts to Family Members

A common estate planning technique is to structure a family trust which owns the shares of a small business corporation in such a way that allows each beneficiary (most commonly being members of the taxpayer’s immediate family – spouse and/or children) to participate in the sale or disposition of the…

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Holiday Jingle 2018

Where has the time gone?  Have you noticed that the older one gets the faster time is? I can’t believe  we are almost at the end of 2017. Upon reflection, it has been a whirlwind year. Thankfully my family and I experienced good health.  However I know this has not…

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Journalism and Charities

The interconnectedness of registered charities and journalism is growing.  In this era of digital content explosion and “fake news”, traditional media outlets — especially newspapers — are seeking new ways to serve their communities and survive.  Increasingly, public benefit non-profit journalism is becoming a charitable activity.  There are estate donors…

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