All About Estates

Month: March 2023

Total 20 Posts

ChatGPT, draft my will

I saw a meme the other day that said “No one hates lawyers more than other lawyers”. After reading this post, I think lawyer hate is about to get redirected. The surprising part of law school is that it doesn’t actually teach you how to draft legal documents. A prompt…

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Story of My Family

Story of My Family is a Japanese drama that I have started watching on Netflix and  so far, in episode one it has all the intrigue that we see in the world of estates, including challenging family dynamics, aging, incapacity and undue influence. We are introduced to an aging pro…

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ChatGPT, do my work for me

What’s a professional way to say “You sound crazy and this is a horrible idea”? This is a question that was normally reserved for work BFFs. But artificial intelligence has come a long way and now gives out HR approved wisdom like: “While I appreciate your creativity and passion for…

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Considerations when Administering a Canadian Estate with US Situs Assets

Today’s blog is written by Jessica J. Butler, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP. As today’s world continues to grow increasingly interconnected, more estate professionals find themselves dealing with a web of cross-border assets and jurisdictional issues.  This post considers certain issues that you might face when administering a Canadian estate…

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