All About Estates

Month: January 2011

Total 21 Posts

Consent to speak

Generally speaking, the Canada Revenue Agency requires a taxpayer’s consent to speak with someone other than the taxpayer about matters related to the person’s affairs. One may assume the consent requirement is relaxed when the taxpayer is deceased and the deceased’s affairs are in the hands of the estate trustee(s) Think again as this is not automatic.

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Funerals in the Internet Age

A recent blog by Elaine Blades discussed some of the succession issues arising from recent developments in reproductive technologies.  As a recent article in the New York Times demonstrates, the modern funeral service is also not immune from the relentless progression of the technological age. One of the first responsibilities…

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Check Under the Bed for the Important Papers.

Do you know where your parent’s keep their will and other important papers? Financial considerations for those diagnosed with a dementia is significant. Being prepared and helping your parents to be prepared is good planning, no matter what the diagnosis

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Summary Judgment Dismissed: Notes Support Suspicion of Undue Influence

The capacity assessor’s notes confirmed that the testator had testamentary capacity but also raised the issue of undue influence. Summary judgment dismissed on the issue of undue influence

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Last time, I wrote about filing deadlines for terminal returns and how these deadlines need to be respected to avoid penalties and interest on taxes owing. What if you don’t have sufficient information to file and the deadline is looming?

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Remember: It is still Alzheimer’s ‘Do Not Forget’ Month

As it is still January and ‘Do Not Forget’ it is Alzheimer’s Month, I will continue blogging on issues relating to living and dying with a dementia.

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