All About Estates


This blog has been written by Darren Lund, Partner at Fasken LLP In Lang-Newlands v. Newlands, 2024 ONSC 6285, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice revisited the treatment of a discretionary family trust in the context of the equalization of net family property under the Ontario Family Law Act. Barbara…

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When Inheritance Divides: The Strain of Sibling Disputes Over Estate Debts

This blog post was written by Mohena Singh, Associate at Fasken LLP. An important question a person has to answer when planning their estate is, “who will be the estate trustee?” Sometimes this decision is taken lightly or a person may gravitate towards an obvious answer – “my spouse” or…

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Key Considerations When Drafting a Will with International Assets

If you have clients with assets outside Canada, they likely look to you for guidance to support drafting of testamentary documents. In a previous article we explored the considerations that should be kept in mind when assets are owned outside of Quebec, within Canada – given the civil law and…

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In Care of Yvette Poirier v. Estate of Paul Poirier, 2025 ONSC 0482, the Court considered an application to set aside the conveyance of a home from a mother to her son , on the basis that the mother lacked capacity and was subject to undue influence. In an unusual…

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The Foreign Corporation on Death – Where Do We Start?

When an entrepreneur dies owning shares or an interest in a foreign corporation, the executor is faced with a challenging situation.  An estate with ownership or an interest in a foreign corporation raises specific and complex tax rules that leave the executor and family members hoping the deceased has a…

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Simplifying Estate Vehicle Transfers in Ontario: What You Need to Know

Today’s blog was written by Jessica Butler, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP. When administering an estate, certain assets frequently come into play: bank accounts, a home, and often, at least one personal vehicle. While a Will typically outlines the transfer of a vehicle to a specific beneficiary, there are instances…

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