This blog has been written by Darren Lund, Partner at Fasken LLP In Lang-Newlands v. Newlands, 2024 ONSC 6285, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice revisited the treatment of a discretionary family trust in the context of the equalization of net family property under the Ontario Family Law Act. Barbara…
Category: Separation
This blog post was written by: Diana Leopardi, Estate and Trust Consultant, Scotiatrust Montreal Love is in the air…You may now kiss the bride; these are a couple of popular phrases often used in romantic movies but what about The Hangover movie what if your client woke up one morning…
Today’s blog post was written by Latoya Brown, Associate at Fasken LLP. As the year draws to a close, it’s a natural time for reflection and planning. Many will be reviewing the past year, evaluating their goals and making new ones for the new year. In the realm of estates,…
Pictured: My beloved dog, Yuki, in her Christmas tree outfit. When thinking about what to write for this week’s blog post, I realized that I have the last Fasken slot before Christmas. This got me thinking: what can I write that’s relevant to the holidays? It then dawned on me…
This blog has been written by Darren Lund, partner at Fasken LLP Cross-border estate planning is undoubtedly a complex affair. When clients have assets in a foreign jurisdiction[1], are resident or have citizenship in a foreign jurisdiction, or wish to benefit individuals who are resident in a foreign jurisdiction, planners…
This blog has been written by Darren Lund, a partner at Fasken LLP In Ontario, trust law and family law have for some time taken very different approaches to valuing the interest of a beneficiary in a discretionary family trust. For trust lawyers, a beneficiary’s interest in a discretionary family…
There are a few occasions when you want someone who is not you to have as much money as possible. The first situation is when you are a beneficiary of their estate. The second situation is when you seeking an equalization payment under the Family Law Act. In both situations,…
Today’s post was written by Diana Leopardi – Estate and Trust Consultant at Scotiatrust. What can be worse than having a Will that does not reflect your wealth transfer wishes…that is, not having a Will at all! Suppose you have a Will in place, it is prudent to ensure that…
Today’s Blog Post was written by Gabrielle Arbic-Lloyd, Student-at-Law at Fasken LLP In February, the Ontario Court of Appeal ordered one spouse to pay the other more than one million dollars in costs in addition to spousal and child support. So what motivated the Court to order this spouse to…
These days, it is quite common to find intergenerational wealth transfer to consist of property held in a discretionary family trust whose beneficiaries may or may not have been in marital relationships at the time of the time the trusts were created. A siginifcant number of legal and financials issues…