All About Estates

Category: Costs

Total 41 Posts

Simplifying Estate Vehicle Transfers in Ontario: What You Need to Know

Today’s blog was written by Jessica Butler, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP. When administering an estate, certain assets frequently come into play: bank accounts, a home, and often, at least one personal vehicle. While a Will typically outlines the transfer of a vehicle to a specific beneficiary, there are instances…

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All I Want for Christmas is Legal Ownership of My Yorkshire Terrier

Pictured: My beloved dog, Yuki, in her Christmas tree outfit. When thinking about what to write for this week’s blog post, I realized that I have the last Fasken slot before Christmas. This got me thinking: what can I write that’s relevant to the holidays? It then dawned on me…

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The Cost of Costs

The matter of the payment of a party’s legal fees at the end of a hard fought court battle can hold up or impact upon settlement. Indeed, oftentimes, the issue of the costs of litigation becomes a subject in and of itself to be argued over in court. Generally, the…

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Lack of Financial Disclosure Comes at a Significant Financial Cost

Today’s Blog Post was written by Gabrielle Arbic-Lloyd, Student-at-Law at Fasken LLP In February, the Ontario Court of Appeal ordered one spouse to pay the other more than one million dollars in costs in addition to spousal and child support. So what motivated the Court to order this spouse to…

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