All About Estates

Category: Property

Total 136 Posts

Key Considerations When Drafting a Will with International Assets

If you have clients with assets outside Canada, they likely look to you for guidance to support drafting of testamentary documents. In a previous article we explored the considerations that should be kept in mind when assets are owned outside of Quebec, within Canada – given the civil law and…

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Simplifying Estate Vehicle Transfers in Ontario: What You Need to Know

Today’s blog was written by Jessica Butler, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP. When administering an estate, certain assets frequently come into play: bank accounts, a home, and often, at least one personal vehicle. While a Will typically outlines the transfer of a vehicle to a specific beneficiary, there are instances…

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I am Ready and Willing – When do I Start? Activating a Power of Attorney for Property

This article is written by Alicia Mossington, Estate and Trust Consultant with Scotiatrust.   A Power of Attorney for Property is a document which allows an individual (grantor) to appoint and authorize a substitute decision maker. In Ontario, the substitute decision maker is referred to as an “attorney.” The named…

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Gamers are Letting off Some “Steam” After Learning that Purchased Games are Not Transferrable on Death

Pictured: A screenshot of a discussion between a Steam user and a Steam Support representative that has taken the internet by storm. Usually, I get my trusts and estates-related news from legal blogs, LinkedIn or emails from colleagues. So, you can imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon a pretty…

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This blog has been written by Darren Lund, a partner at Fasken LLP In Ontario, trust law and family law have for some time taken very different approaches to valuing the interest of a beneficiary in a discretionary family trust. For trust lawyers, a beneficiary’s interest in a discretionary family…

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