All About Estates

Month: June 2011

Total 23 Posts

Wine – How Liquid is it Really?

In last months’ Canadian Lawyer Magazine, Warren Porter, owner of Iron Gate Private Wine Management, wrote about wine as a liquid asset. When a wine collector dies, teh collection can be very valuable, and if the collection is not specifically dealt with in the Will, the issue becomes: how does an estate trustee realize this value for the beneficiaries?

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Bozzer Wins! More Interest Relief Available under Fairness Provisions

While in my last few blogs I’ve focused on knowing when your will plan isn’t simple, today I’ve asked my partner, David Fox to blog on a recent development in the fairness provisions applied by Canada Revenue Agency. David is a partner in our Tax group. He brings to your attention what practitioners consider to be a welcome clarification of the fairness provisions available to taxpayers who may owe interest in respect of income taxes owing from tax years ten or more years old. What follows comes to you from David…

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