All About Estates

Category: Estate Planning

Total 982 Posts

Key Considerations When Drafting a Will with International Assets

If you have clients with assets outside Canada, they likely look to you for guidance to support drafting of testamentary documents. In a previous article we explored the considerations that should be kept in mind when assets are owned outside of Quebec, within Canada – given the civil law and…

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The Foreign Corporation on Death – Where Do We Start?

When an entrepreneur dies owning shares or an interest in a foreign corporation, the executor is faced with a challenging situation.  An estate with ownership or an interest in a foreign corporation raises specific and complex tax rules that leave the executor and family members hoping the deceased has a…

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Because Lawyers Die Too: The Need for Mandatory Contingency Planning

Death will affect every one of us, ultimately. Incapacity may impact us. The inevitability of death and the possibility of incapacity makes planning essential. Failure to plan is planning to fail. This inevitability is behind recent Law Society of Ontario (“LSO”) By-law amendments that require lawyers in private practice to…

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All I Want for Christmas is Legal Ownership of My Yorkshire Terrier

Pictured: My beloved dog, Yuki, in her Christmas tree outfit. When thinking about what to write for this week’s blog post, I realized that I have the last Fasken slot before Christmas. This got me thinking: what can I write that’s relevant to the holidays? It then dawned on me…

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