All About Estates

Gowling WLG LLP

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How Can a Guardian or an Attorney for Property Enter Into a Domestic Contract on Behalf of a Mentally Incapable Person?

Anna Chen, Associate, Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP An interesting question arose recently on how an attorney for property can enter into a domestic contract on behalf of the mentally incapable person. Part IV of the Family Law Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F. 3 (“FLA”), sets out the provisions respecting “domestic…

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Removing and Replacing An Incapable Estate Trustee

Andrew Coates, Associate, Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP Betty Laidlaw contributed an informative two-part series in 2023 regarding “What Happens If Something Happens to Your Executor?” In the second part, Betty explained the process for the alternate executor named in a Will making an application for a Certificate of Appointment of…

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Make it a habit: Searching title for real property when doing estate planning

Today’s blog was written by Kelsey Buchmayer, associate with the Ottawa office of Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP There are several benefits to searching title for your client’s real property when initiating their estate planning. For instance, you can confirm title is held as your client understands it to be and…

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When exercising discretion, what factors should a Trustee of a discretionary trust take into account?

Maddi Thomas, Associate Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP Where a trust holds non-liquid assets that are to be distributed amongst multiple beneficiaries, how can the trustee ensure that their use of discretion was as fair, equitable, and diplomatic as possible? On a related note, when will a court interfere with a…

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Kira Domratchev associate at Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP Just because you reside outside of the province, does not mean that you are unfit to act as guardian of an incapable person, particularly with the benefits of modern technology. In a fairly recent decision in Kierans (Re), 2023 BCSC 1841, the…

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Incomplete and Unprocessed Beneficiary Designation Held Valid

Anna Chen, Associate, Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP In the recent decision, The Estate of William Harper,[1] the Court was asked to determine whether a two page beneficiary designation form that was missing its first page (the page on which the account number would be indicated) and not processed by the…

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Kira Domratchev, Associate Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP The litigators amongst us are no doubt familiar with the fact that matters of public policy affect the decisions of our Courts. Public policy does not tolerate a wrongdoer profiting from their crime. The “Slayer Rule” or the “Criminal Forfeiture Rule” is where…

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Is This a Bare Trust?

Andrew Coates, Associate, Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP Today was supposed to be the due date for untold numbers of T3 returns and Schedule 15s for trusts known as “bare” trusts in existence on December 30, 2023. Not only was it going to be the first year that the Canada Revenue…

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Ontario Residents with Quebec assets

Today’s blog was written by Douglas Buchmayer, partner with the Ottawa office of Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP A common issue facing estate planning practitioners in Eastern Ontario is the Ontario resident client owning Quebec assets, often the family cottage, which need to be dealt with in a Will. Where a…

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Kira Domratchev, Associate Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP I recently came across an interesting decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice where the Court used the doctrine of a resulting trust to reach an outcome on a series of events that left a creditor unable to collect an outstanding costs…

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