All About Estates

Gowling WLG LLP

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Trustees Holding Title to Real Property: It Used to be Simpler

Trustees holding title to real property jointly with right of survivorship should make estate succession efficient and inexpensive. But recent changes implemented by the Director of Land Titles are challenging that notion.

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Section 116 and Capital Distributions by Trust to Non-Resident

When a trust makes a capital distribution to a non-resident beneficiary, the beneficiary is deemed to have disposed of a part or the whole of their capital interest in the trust.[2] Where the capital interest in the trust is “taxable Canadian property” (“TCP”),[3] the vendor of the TCP (i.e. the beneficiary who is deemed to be “disposing” of their interest in the trust) must apply for a clearance certificate from the Canada Revenue Agency (the “CRA”) under section 116, either in advance of the disposition or within 10 days of the disposition.

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