The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has been asked on numerous occasions to weigh in on whether specific post-mortem planning implemented by taxpayers to avoid double taxation would result in a deemed dividend. In a recent ruling, the CRA concluded that it would not apply either specific tax rules or the…
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) was recently asked to provide an update regarding the new online application process for a trust account number. In my capacity as an advisor, I ask clients to make tax payments if an only if there is an account number assigned to the taxpayer responsible…
A charitable remainder trust (CRT), although not widely used in Canada, can be a useful charitable giving tool that generates an immediate tax credit for the donor. In an inter vivos context, an individual establishes an alter ego trust and transfers property to the trust on a tax-deferred basis. The trust holds…
On June 29, 2021, the Private Member’s Bill C-208, regarding the transfer of small businesses and family farm or fishing corporations (the Bill), received Royal Assent. The Bill limits the application of section 84.1 on inter-generational business sales. Avoiding section 84.1 allows the vendor to receive capital gains treatment on a non-arm’s…
With the requirements for COVID-19 tests for entry into Canada and vaccines, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) was asked to comment on the availability of the medical expense tax credit (METC). Medical expenses which are eligible for the METC are limited to those described in our tax rules. If a…
No, the government did not eliminate or claw back the principal residence exemption in the 2021 Budget, as had been speculated. Yet, there is a circumstance in which a taxpayer could face an unexpected tax burden in respect of a principal residence: when there is a change in use of a…
Several years ago, I wrote about probate planning involving the use of joint accounts. At the time, my father-in-law had just passed away and my mother-in-law, who survived him, was intent on paying the least amount of Estate Administration Tax (EAT). Jointly held property with a spouse or with one…
In a recent court case (Paletta Estate v. The Queen) the estate successfully appealed that it was entitled to $55 million in losses in the 2000 to 2006 taxation years generated through forward foreign exchange trading. The estate purchased straddled forward foreign exchange contracts – one long and one short….
A recent article discussed taxation anomalies that occur due to timing differences between when a trust receives a dividend and subsequently pays and allocates a dividend to a beneficiary. CRA view 2016-0647621E5 provides that when a trust receives a dividend in the year and subsequently pays and allocates the dividend to a beneficiary…
The 2021 Federal Budget included proposals that would see an expansion of the Disability Tax Credit to more Canadians. The Disability Tax Credit (DTC), with a value of $1,299 for 2021, is a non-refundable credit intended to offset the impact of disability-related costs. In order to claim this credit, a…