Cross-border insurance planning is tricky but understanding the basics can go a long way in assisting clients. This short article will review some of the key questions to consider in order to avoid potential pitfalls in life insurance planning. Who is the Owner, the Insured and the Beneficiary In the…
Category: US Taxes
This is Part III of a three-part blog series. Parts I & II can be found at the following respective links: and Parts I & II discussed a few issues to consider if a client’s intention is to equalize their estate amongst their children where one or more…
An irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) is an estate planning vehicle worth some consideration for U.S. citizens living in Canada. Many estate advisors are unaware that U.S. citizens subscribing to life insurance on their life will have the death benefits included in the value of their taxable estate for U.S….
Canadian estate and tax advisors may want to consider the case Connelly v. Internal Revenue Service, No. 23-146[1] (U.S. 3/27/24). The U.S. Supreme Court (“SCOTUS“) issued its decision on June 6th and it serves as a good reminder of the implications of corporately-owned life insurance in the context of cross-border…
Happy Friday, everyone. As a reminder, this is Part II of a three-part blog series. Part I can be found at the following link: Equalizing an Estate Where One of More Children are U.S. Persons and Planning Strategies Where There Are U.S. Beneficiaries; Part I – All About Estates…
Canadians often misunderstand (or are unaware) that the U.S. estate tax may apply to their estate. Indeed, if a Canadian dies owning U.S. situs assets with a gross value exceeding USD $60,000, their estate will have to file a U.S. estate tax return and, depending on the worldwide fair market…
In circumstances where clients, who are Canadian residents, intend to equalize their estates amongst their children (“Equalization Intention”) where one or more of such children are “U.S. Persons” (a “U.S. Child”), estate planners need to consider whether that is possible and if so, how (“whether” and “how”, the “Questions”). This…
The U.S. gift tax is often overlooked by Canadians and their advisors. Most U.S. citizens living in Canada are aware of the U.S. estate tax and gift tax application. However, when it comes to Canadian residents who are not U.S. persons, only a minority are aware of the potential application…
This blog has been written by Rahul Sharma, Partner at Fasken LLP A couple of recent telephone calls reminded me of the perils of estate and tax planning that crosses borders without proper planning. The first case is regrettably quite common. An entrepreneur in the technology sector (we will call…
Today’s blog is written by Jessica J. Butler, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP. As today’s world continues to grow increasingly interconnected, more estate professionals find themselves dealing with a web of cross-border assets and jurisdictional issues. This post considers certain issues that you might face when administering a Canadian estate…