All About Estates

Category: Real Estate

Total 85 Posts

Fraudulently Concealing a Limitation Period

Lawyers are keenly aware of limitation periods. If a lawyer fails to commence a claim on behalf of a client within the limitation period, they will likely face a professional negligence suit (not good). Whether lawyers like them or not, limitation periods play an important role in the civil justice…

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Occupation Rent Will Get You Every Time

Most adults are familiar with the concept of “rent”: it’s the money you owe every month after signing a lease with a landlord. Related but distinct from “rent” is “occupation rent” – rent’s frequently sought, but little understood, younger cousin who can still pack a punch. Occupation rent fills the…

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Our epidemiologists and public heath officers are warning us gently that the dreaded virus will be with us for awhile. Nevertheless, we are all hoping that our economy will recover soon (and to some extent our financial markets have), but it appears asset values in general may be depressed for…

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Of Love, Resulting Trusts, Matrimonial Homes and Fenelon Falls

The gratuitous transfer of property from a parent to an adult, capable child may result in a resulting trust.

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Estate Planning for the Family Cottage

Much has been written in this blog space and many others on this topic. Several times a year (in some years more often than others), we are asked in our practice about to advise on succession or estate planning issues for the family cottage. I was recently alerted to a…

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Constructive Trust and Proprietary Estoppel – Built With Your Own Hands

Families often fall into patterns and routines; they are comfortable, stable, and predictable. They can also give rise to legal rights over land. The extent and enforceability of those rights will be put to the test following death or divorce. Such was the case in Tomek v Zabukovec, 2020 ONSC…

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Low- Interest Environment: Time To Take Advantage Again.

In past blogs, we discussed income splitting arrangements available to individuals who wish to loan funds to his/her lower income spouse or adult child, or in the case of minor children, a discretionary family trust. Such loans would be used to invest in income producing properties such as marketable securities,…

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Home Buyer’s Plan and Disabled Family Member

In a recent blog, I wrote about the availability of Home Buyer’s Plan (HBP) to an individual after the death of her spouse who purchased the matrimonial home. In a recent Technical Interpretation (2019-0819671E5, D. Odubella), the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) was asked by a taxpayer to review the availability…

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Time to Refreeze: Redux

The freezing of current share value so that your chosen successors can easily participate in the future growth of your enterprise is a common estate planning technique. What if the value of the frozen shares now exceeds the value of the enterprise as a whole? I wrote about this sometime…

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Actions Have Consequences – They May Sever Joint Tenancy

Leaving aside other means of severance, including that which occurs on bankruptcy or by judicial sale, there are three main ways to sever a joint tenancy: Unilaterally acting on one’s own share, such as selling or encumbering it; A mutual agreement between the co-owners to sever the joint tenancy; and…

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