All About Estates

Tag: power of attorney

Total 31 Posts

Wish lists are for more than just the holiday season

This blog has been written by Mohena Singh [Associate] at Fasken LLP As we near the new year and reflect on another holiday season, many of us may have used this time to spend with family and friends or catch up on some much needed rest and recovery. This time…

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What Happens When a Shareholder Party to a Transaction Becomes Incapable; Powers of Attorney for Property and Due Diligence Tips

This is Part III of my saga on incapacity planning in a corporate context. Part I and Part II can be found respectively at:, and As a reminder, Part II addressed two situations that we, as estate planners, are commonly asked about: A director becomes incapable – who…

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When Leaving Your Premises for Medical Reasons and Never Go Back: Need a Plan

I do a lot of work in the insurance industry. Recently, I came across a court case which I thik is a cautionary tale for estate planners and executors. In Gregson v. CAA Insurance., 2021 ONSC 3041, Ms. Gregson was a property owner and name insured on March 17,2017 when…

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Can Section 3 Counsel be Summoned for Examination?

Successfully summoning counsel of record for examination is typically a difficult task, and a motion to quash will often be brought after a summons is served on counsel for one of the parties. Case law in is clear that, generally, calling a lawyer to give evidence against their client should…

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Guardian of Personal Care: Step Up or Step Out

While the courts will defer to the wishes of the incapable person regarding their attorney/guardian of personal care, they will also look at the past actions of the applicants.

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