All About Estates

Month: July 2019

Total 22 Posts

Celebrity Estate Battles

Families fight.  Celebrities are no different.  If anything, it is always interesting to read how the ultra-wealthy handle their estate planning and what issues arise on their deaths (particularly as there is usually a string of ex-spouses and multiple children involved).  In today’s blog, I discuss some of the legal…

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Control is an important concept for applying certain income tax rules and valuation issues (amongst others) when dealing with corporations, with serious implications to current and future (and estate) planning scenarios. De jure control refers to legal control of a corporation, which requires a look at shareholdings. Control in fact,…

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Probate and the Humans Rights Tribunal of Ontario

On June 29, 2019, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (the “HRTO”) released an interim decision which impacts upon estate trustees and which calls for some friendly scrutiny from estate solicitors and litigators. My colleague, Jacob Kaufman, blogged about a previous and related HRTO 2017 case which required that a certificate of…

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Standing Together

Last week I attended the funeral of my mother’s dear friend and spent a few days reminiscing with long time family friends.  No one wants to be the last woman standing as saying goodbye appears to get harder and harder; especially as there are fewer and fewer around to provide…

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In Whose Best Interests? Estate Planning for Artists

A recent case involving the estate of Canadian artist and figure skating legend, Toller Cranston (“Toller”), highlights the importance of estate planning for artists.  Administering posthumous intellectual property can be complex and without guidance from the testator, disputes will often arise between trustees and the estate’s beneficiaries due to competing…

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