Technology sometimes produces unanticipated consequences. Witness Canada Revenue Agency. To its credit, CRA has implemented secure, mostly user-friendly technology over the past 20 years. For charities this includes online accounts and user-friendly “checklist” tools for charities. Unfortunately, these features sometimes create a special set of challenges for registered charities and…
Tag: Canada Revenue Agency
Photo Credit: Universal Pictures This blog has been written by Sandra Arsenault, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP If you are the lucky (or more often unlucky) person appointed…
With 6 weeks until the end of 2023, it is a good time to remind trustees of their obligations in respect of the trusts that they are responsible for managing and administering. Last year, I wrote a blog where I reminded trustees of discretionary trusts of the importance of documenting…
Part I – Personal Attribution This blog has been written by Pritika Deepak /Associate at Fasken LLP Gifting property or making loans to family members is a common way for individuals to transfer and share their wealth with their loved ones. There are, however, several rules in the Income Tax…
Nearly two years ago, I wrote a blog post titled “Assessing Drake’s Estate Planning Needs”. The post looked at rap sensation Drake’s assets vis-à-vis his intent for his son Adonis to be the sole beneficiary of his estate, and the various considerations that he ought to have in planning for…
Today’s blog was written by Pritika Deepak, Associate at Fasken LLP This is the last part of a three-part blog series which provides a broad overview of some of the tax implications to consider, with respect to certain assets held at death. Part I, which addresses RRSPs can be found…
Today’s Blog was written by Rahul Sharma, Partner, Fasken LLP, Toronto My last blog post was very early in the year. In that post, I outlined — and generally responded to — certain common questions posed by newcomers to Canada. As the year progresses, Canada continues to draw in large…
If a taxpayer owns shares of a corporation and passes away, he or she is deemed to have disposed of their shareholding at fair market value (“FMV”) unless a tax-free rollover is applied (e.g., rollover to a surviving spouse). The disposition of shares may cause a tax liability. In the…
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has been asked on numerous occasions to weigh in on whether specific post-mortem planning implemented by taxpayers to avoid double taxation would result in a deemed dividend. In a recent ruling, the CRA concluded that it would not apply either specific tax rules or the…
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) was recently asked to provide an update regarding the new online application process for a trust account number. In my capacity as an advisor, I ask clients to make tax payments if an only if there is an account number assigned to the taxpayer responsible…