All About Estates

Tag: intestacy

Total 9 Posts

How A Rumoured Las Vegas Wedding To A Russian Child Star Shook Up An Intestacy

The background to the unopposed motion was lurid: a prominent lawyer cut down before her time and a last-minute Las Vegas marriage to a former Russian child star. In Estate of Tanya Claudia Davies, 2022 ONSC 2009, the court stayed an application for a certificate of appointment of estate trustee…

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When Are You Married?

Most know that you don’t have to be legally married to have a “spouse” for income tax purposes, although legal marriage will work. If you have been living with someone in a conjugal relationship for 12 months or more regardless of your sex at birth, you will be considered spouses…

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Is Priority Given to a Spouse/Common Law Partner to be an Executor in an Intestacy?

This Bog was written by; Sally Lee Is Priority Given to a Spouse/Common Law Partner to be an Executor in an Intestacy? No, but I can understand why this misconception exists. Subsection 29(1) of the Estates Act creates the confusion by naming the surviving spouse/common law partner before the next…

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A Deathly Reminder

The recent passing of Aretha Franklin on August 16 means the music industry has lost yet another icon. It also, however, serves a useful reminder – even those who appear to have all the financial success in the world, don’t necessarily ensure their financial affairs are in order. Shortly following…

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Which Comes First: Preferential Share or Mortgages?

The Succession Law Reform Act (“SLRA”) provides that if a married person dies intestate, the first $200,000 (called the “preferential share”) of the deceased’s net estate goes to the married spouse[i]. Any funds remaining after the payment of the preferential share is shared among the spouse and children. In Re Estate of Richard…

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