All About Estates


Total 6 Posts

Crisis in Long Term Care

THE WHAT: Recently on most days newspaper articles are highlighting some injustice or abuse regarding seniors living in Ontario’s Long Term Care facilities, commonly known as ‘nursing homes’ or ‘old people’s home’. This is a major problem facing society and one that we must get under control.  Last week’s Marketplace…

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CCAC & Patients First- Bill 41

What’s new with the CCAC? As readers know our public sector delivery system has been delivered via the Community Care Access Centres (CCAC) which are located across Ontario. The CCACs have been funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care via the Local Health Integration Networks (LHIN) strategically…

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Going Gently Into The Good Night

Last week was Canada’s National Hospice Palliative Care Week. So what is palliative care? Since its inception in Canada in the 1970’s, things have changed quite a bit. Only a few years ago, the term palliative care and the public’s general understanding, was that it meant the end was imminent…

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Until Death Do Us Part- or until we need provincially funded care in a LTC

Until Death Do Us Part- or until we need provincially funded care in a Long Term Care Facility. After 70 years of marriage Norman and Mae are told by our government that in order to get the care they need, they need to live separately.

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What does ‘Alternative Level of Care’ mean?

Do you know that $2.2 million is spent daily on patients staying in Ontario hospitals who don’t need to be there? These are our ALC patients….

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Where do our taxes go?

Do you know what the average cost of care is in Ontario for a hospital stay? How about the cost of care to remain at home with support services provided by the public sector? The figures may surprize you!

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