What’s new with the CCAC? As readers know our public sector delivery system has been delivered via the Community Care Access Centres (CCAC) which are located across Ontario. The CCACs have been funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care via the Local Health Integration Networks (LHIN) strategically located across 14 regions across our great Province. The latest initiative is called Patients First: Action Plan for Health Care and it is geared towards providing care at a local level. The CCACs have been integrated into the LHINs and now have sub-regions which provide for a smaller geographic planning and service delivery area. It also includes creating provincial Patient and Family Advisory Councils to ensure family carers and care recipients are involved in decision making. Additional monies for increasing home care hours and caregiver support and respite was also promised.
The Ministry website advises ‘Ontario’s Patients First Act’ includes some structural changes to the health care system that will help patients and their families access the health care they need more quickly and closer to home. The system changes will lead to a more local and integrated health care system, improving the patient experience and delivering higher-quality care. These structural changes include more localized planning of the health care system to meet the unique health needs of every community across Ontario. This means that the Local Health Integration Networks will take on a bigger role to ensure that each person in the province is receiving the care they need, tailored to the needs of their specific community.’ -Ministry website accessed July 3, 2017
To identify your LHIN, access healthcareathome.ca and enter your postal code.
Central: central@lhins.on.ca
Central East: centraleast@lhins.on.ca
Central West:centralwest@lhins.on.ca
Erie St. Clair: eriestclairlhin@lhins.on.ca
Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant: hamiltonniagarahaldimandbrant@lhins.on.ca
Mississauga Halton: mississaugahalton@lhins.on.ca
905 855 9090
North Simcoe Muskoka:northsimcoemuskoka@lhins.on.ca
North East:northeast@lhins.on.ca
North West:northwest@lhins.on.ca
South East:southeast@lhins.on.ca
South West:southwest@lhins.on.ca
Toronto Central:torontocentral@lhins.on.ca
Waterloo Wellington:Waterloowellington 1 866 306 5446
I am not exactly sure what these changes will mean to families. So far it is a name change. The CCAC case workers have a new business card.