As we count down to 2011, I have put together a list of my favorite elder care reflections of 2010 and a wish list for things to improve upon in the coming year.
Fav: The love of a spouse or adult child that wants to make sure their loved one is doing as well as they possibly can.
Wish: Family members put their historical conflict and disagreements behind them in order to come together to make a plan for their loved one.
Fav: The unrelenting spirit of volunteer caregivers who give all that they can.
Wish: Caregivers to be better recognized for their incredible contribution, monetarily and with greater respect.
Fav: Older drivers who knowingly give up their car keys when they feel or are advised that they should no longer be driving.
Wish: In car driving refresher/testing programs offered by the MTO for drivers over age 75.
Fav: Availability of personal support workers at no cost through the CCAC.
Wish: More money, more resources and better consistency of care from public providers.
Fav: Grateful and appreciative family members.
Wish: Good health and good support to our community of families in 2011.
Thanks to all of you for reading and my very best for good health in 2011. Audrey Miller