All About Estates

“Looking for a student to live in with my elderly mother in exchange for free room and board. Light care duties only”

I am seeing more and more of these ads as families try to find affordable  and alternative solutions to paying for private caregivers.  There are many seniors who live alone. ‘The 2011 Census of Population counted nearly 5 million (4,945,000) seniors aged 65 and over in Canada. The data showed that about one-quarter (24.6%) of the population aged 65 and over lived alone.  Among seniors in their nineties, over half (56.5%) lived in private households in 2011, including 28.7% who lived alone’*.

Purchasing overnight care from an agency can range from a live in rate just under $180 /night  (12 hour shift) to almost double that rate for awake care (12 hrs x $27/hr.  No surprise that families are exploring alternative care arrangements.

I think there is merit in the student live in care arrangements however  screening, matching, safety, security, training and supervision are required.  We are all familiar with the stories of seniors being financially taken advantage of and this type of situation is fraught with challenges.  Going into a new situation, one needs to have their eyes wide open and speak with others regarding how this type of arrangement might work best. Perhaps this is a new venture worth exploring!






About: Audrey Miller, Managing Director of Elder Caring Inc. has over 30 years social work and rehabilitation experience working with older individuals and their families. She advises the financial, insurance, legal and business communities regarding elder care issues. Audrey is a recognized expert in her field. Email: