Today’s newsfeed story: “It’s just another pandemic Monday” Thank you Heather Mallick, Monday January 17, 2022. I guess we are all feeling ‘something’.
Yesterday was my father’s birthday. He would have turned 93 if he hadn’t died when he was 69. I find it interesting how we like to do that- – provide an age or number as if the person was still with us. I guess they are- if we are still thinking about them- then they are still with us- metaphorically speaking of course.
I had an emotional day yesterday; I cried watching tender dog videos and I cried watching a young girl get the ‘golden buzzer’ on America’s Got Talent reruns. The emotion I was feeling was sadness with an underpinning of gratitude. I was missing my father who had been gone for a very long time and my mother, whose death was much more recent and still fresh. The gratitude was imbedded as I was reflecting on their lives and on the daily joy I have from my own family and my work and also how much I miss them both. But some days are harder than others.
Today is a new day and all of us need different supports for different things. As our calls increase and more and more families are reaching out for support, I know that supporting everyone’s good mental health is paramount. Caregiver, care recipient, counsellor, parent, adult child, teenager- we all need support. A few resources to consider.
Have a good Monday.
Larry Amstutz
January 18, 2022 - 2:27 pmI empathize and sympathize. I understand completely.
Stay strong and keep remembering.
Best regards
January 18, 2022 - 2:44 pmThank you Larry for your kind words. Greatly appreciated/
Peggy Killeen
January 18, 2022 - 4:18 pmSending you love and strength, Audrey, your blogs are always good for me and I so identify with how you’re feeling right now.