Do digital assets e.g. cryptocurrencies (such as bitcoin, ethereum) non-fungible tokens, qualify as investments in deferred tax vehicles such as Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP’s), Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA’s), Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP’s) and Registered Disability Savings Plan (“RDSP’s). The simple answer is no and maybe. This issue…
Category: RESP
This Blog was written by: Alicia Godin, Estate and Trust Consultant, Scotiatrust A Registered Education Savings Plan (an “RESP”), is a type of tax deferred savings plan that parents, grandparents and other adults can open to save for the cost of a beneficiary’s post-secondary education. The beneficiary of an RESP…
In the past I have blogged about the challenges of being a US citizen taxpayer. See ‘Keeping Your “Accidentally American” Status’ dated May 3, 2015. I’d like to revisit this topic in today’s blog. Let me provide some background.
In a recent blog, I wrote that the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) was asked whether the six month extension for making educational assistance payments (“EAPs”) out of a registered education savings plan (“RESP”) under the appropriate subsection of the Income Tax Act (the “Act”) can apply when the beneficiary under…
Recently, The Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) was whether the six month extension for making educational assistance payments (“EAPs”) out of a registered education savings plan (“RESP”) under the appropriate subsection of the Income Tax Act (the “Act”) can apply when the beneficiary under the plan is deceased. The Act stipulates…
RESP’s – How to deal with an RESP on a subscriber’s death
In my last blog, I wrote about some of the preliminary estate planning issues that should be considered with respect to Registered Education Savings Plans (“RESPs”). This week, I wanted to touch on some additional issues regarding estate planning and RESPs.