All About Estates

Tag: Estate Litigation

Total 95 Posts

Lam v Law Estate: Gender bias permits variation of discriminatory will

Today’s blog post was written by Latoya Brown, an Associate at Fasken LLP. The discussion of discriminatory wills continues with a new case out of the British Columbia Supreme Court. In Lam v Law Estate, 2024 BCSC 156, the court varied a testatrix’s will on the reasoning that the testatrix’s…

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Charities have Fiduciary Duties as Estate Beneficiaries

I recently spoke to an estate lawyer who told me she would never recommend certain charities to clients. Why?  Because of the way these charities treated estate trustees. Some charities are unduly litigious, grind on fees, and are obstreperous about releases. It’s not the first time I’ve heard this comment…

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Production motions: the bar is higher than you think

A recently released decision, Giann v Giannopoulos, 2023 ONSC 5412, provides clarity on a question that frequently arises in estate litigation: what information is a party entitled to from the deceased’s personal records and documents? This case, heard by Justice Myers of the estate list in mid-September this year was…

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Failure to plan can leave minor children in “Another World”: Considerations for the Anne Heche estate

Today’s blog is written by Latoya Brown, Articling Student at Fasken LLP. The tragic death of soap opera actress of “Another World” Anne Heche, was an unexpected loss for her fans and family. She succumbed to her injuries on August 11, 2022, a week following a car accident that left…

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You’ve been served!

The Originating Process One of the first steps taken in any court procedure is service of the originating process. Whether the procedure is by action or application, service of the originating process puts parties and others who may be affected by the outcome on notice that a legal proceeding has…

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The Life and Legacy of Gina Lollobrigida – An Estates Perspective

Today’s blog is written by Jessica J. Butler, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP. Italian cinema legend Gina Lollobrigida passed away at the age of 95 in January 2023.  Known by fans as ‘La Lollo’, she starred in over 60 films which included the likes of Frank Sinatra and Sean Connery….

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