All About Estates

Tag: Estate Administration

Total 212 Posts

Planning for Cottage Season

Today’s blog was written by Courtney Lanthier, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP With the summer months now here, we enter into another cottage season – a time for family and friends to gather, make new memories and relax and unwind. For many, cottages hold significant sentimental value. They are a…

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This blog has been written by Sandra Arsenault, Law Clerk at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP No, you likely did not. Most people don’t apply to become an executor of an estate. An executor is responsible for administering the estate of a deceased person from the date of death until all…

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The Next Succession? Lessons from a family estate gone wrong…

Today’s blog was written by Karen La Caprara, Counsel, at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP. This being my first All About Estates blog, I thought I would make it a personal one. So, as an introduction, I decided that I would share my family experience that contributed to my decision to…

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When Parent and Child have a Joint Bank Account: Who Receives Funds upon Parent’s Death?

This blog has been written by Lily MacLeod [Associate] at Fasken LLP It is common for an elderly parent to set up a joint bank account with their adult child. This enables the child to help manage the parent’s finances freely and efficiently (either as the parent’s attorney for property…

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There’s a New Form for That – Form 74G Renunciation and Consent

It seems as though the estate court forms and court rules are always changing. It is important to be aware of these changes when filing probate applications in Ontario. Today’s blog will explore the new Form 74G Renunciation and Consent, and provide some practical tips and considerations to help navigate…

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Administering an Estate: A Marathon of Responsibilities

We had a Zoom call with our adult children a few weekends ago. We talked about our son’s engagement, as our daughter hadn’t yet heard the details of how he had proposed. We also talked about our daughter’s recent 5K run at the Toronto Zoo and how it compared to…

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Firearms, Wills, Estates, and the impact of Bill C-21

Bill C-21- An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms)   This blog has been written by Sandra Arsenault, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP Estates practitioners should be aware that Bill C-21, the controversial legislation which imposes strict gun control provisions Canada-wide, received Royal Assent…

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Navigating Challenging Holiday Experiences and Estate Planning: A Balanced Approach

This blog has been written by Jessica J. Butler, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP. The holiday season can be a time for joy, love, and togetherness – it can also be a time for drama, stress, and conflict. Simmering tensions at family gatherings can cause situations that sometimes leave lasting…

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Executors: Holiday Elf or Grinch?

                                             Photo Credit: Universal Pictures This blog has been written by Sandra Arsenault, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP If you are the lucky (or more often unlucky) person appointed…

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Will We Need to Start Remembering the “Right to be Forgotten”?

Pictured: Some myosotis flowers; colloquially known as “forget-me-nots”. I thought these would be appropriate for this blog post. In the estate planning world, we often see clients who want to be remembered for generations to come. For example, this could be through establishing a charitable gift, trust or foundation in…

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