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June is Ontario Brain Injury Awareness Month

Last week I attended an excellent conference called Practical Strategies-Rehab Across the Ages, from the Cradle to the Grave sponsored by the law firms of Oatley Vigmond and McLeish Orlando. A number of doctors spoke about the effects of aging with different disabilities including: burn injury patients, brain injured individuals who have sustained mild, moderate or severe traumatic (TBI) brain injuries including those those who were injured at a young age and those who had sustained their brain injury in their later years (seniors are the 2nd highest risk group after male teenagers) and as well we heard about arthritic changes in individuals who had sustained serious orthopaedic injuries.
Generally, the research of aging with a traumatic brain injury is not well understood. While the evidence remains anectodal, it was reported that there seems to be a higher incidence of developing a dementia in those who had already sustained a TBI. As well it was noted that there is an increased risk factor of 40% – 50% for men. Studies continue to show that rehabilitation assists with cell growth and maintaining cognitive stimulation is important at all ages.
The news was not all bad. While we may not remember the names of the people we just met, we do improve with age in a few areas, including being able to see the big picture more clearly and being able to learn from our experience. June is Ontario Brain Injury Awareness Month. Prevention remains our best hope.-Audrey Miller

About: Audrey Miller, Managing Director of Elder Caring Inc. has over 30 years social work and rehabilitation experience working with older individuals and their families. She advises the financial, insurance, legal and business communities regarding elder care issues. Audrey is a recognized expert in her field. Email: