All About Estates

Month: November 2020

Total 19 Posts

Electronic Wills in Ontario: Growing Interest, Growing Need, or Growing Concern?

A few months ago, I was sent this article in the Globe and Mail.[1] The article explores the notion of introducing legislation to legalize electronic wills in Ontario. Although some of us here in the estates and trusts world have experience deducing what the positives and negatives of electronic wills…

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Until Death Do Us Part…

This Blog was written by Angèle LeBlanc, Estate and Trust Advisor at MD Private Trust Company which is part of Scotia Wealth Management The Medical Assistance in Dying, Bill C-14 (MAiD) was enacted into law on June 17th, 2016. Since then, some of us may have heard of cases where…

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A change in trustee could be a tax problem

The acquisition of control (AOC) rules in the Income Tax Act (ITA) are designed to prevent non-related persons or group of persons from trading in corporations that have unutilized losses for income tax purposes by restricting the corporation’s ability to deduct unutilized losses when control of the corporation has been…

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Pick your ‘3 C’s’

I  first introduced my 3’C’s in a blog at @allaboutestates   which addressed living options and ways to consider what care settings. Some of you may recall that my 3 C’s are: Care, Cost, Choice. I am reposting this article as it continues to be an excellent guide in helping families…

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MCI= More Than Just Forgetfulness

Are there any ‘THIS IS US’ fans out there?   I watched the Season 5 Premier this past weekend.  No spoiler alerts here but it was a very timely show, which discussed Covid, Black Lives Matter and feuding siblings.  However for today’s blog I thought I would write about Rebecca’s diagnosis…

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