All About Estates

Tag: will challenge

Total 10 Posts

Videographers Beware

Occasionally, those hoping to demonstrate the capacity of a testator will film a video of the testator purporting to show that they were cognitively intact or that the will was a reflection of their independent and capable wishes. Unfortunately, the naïve interviewer makes the mistake of confusing the preservation of social graces…

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No Right to Compel a Will be Proven in Solemn Form

My colleague Gillian Fournie wrote a comprehensive post regarding the Court of Appeal for Ontario’s decision in Neuberger v. York, 2016 ONCA 191. Gillian focused on the Court’s decision that the equitable doctrine of estoppel could not be used as a defence to a will challenge. I thought it might…

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Court of Appeal Affirms “Good Sense” of Excluding Evidence of Testator’s Intentions

Yesterday, the Ontario Court of Appeal released its decision in Robinson Estate. The decision acknowledged the trend in Canadian jurisprudence towards admitting extrinsic evidence of the testator’s circumstances and those surrounding the making of the will. However, the Court found that it was not open to the application judge to determine Blanca’s intention based on evidence from third parties about her testamentary intentions.

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