All About Estates

Tag: Malcolm Burrows

Total 116 Posts

The Foundation Perpetuity Myth

The philanthropic community has a perpetuity obsession.  Critics of perpetuity believe that preserving capital, restricting payout, and existing forever is the pernicious norm.  Admittedly, for some foundations, perpetuity a sacred ideal, an aspiration that is sometimes unquestioned.  Foundations that “spend-down” are valorized as rare entities that value community impact over…

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Child Sponsorship Fundraising

Child sponsorship is one of the greatest mass-market fundraising innovations of all time and a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Used primarily by international development organizations, sponsorship emotionally ties donors to individual children, providing insights, human connection, and funder loyalty.  It’s a fascinating model that has evolved over time, and…

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Fair and Transparent Granting

A hot topic among charities is anonymous grants from foundations with donor advised funds.  Charities receive grants but they often don’t know the identity of the donor or fund that recommended the grant. This prevents the charity from saying thank you and stewarding the donor.  Unfortunately, there is deep charity…

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When Philanthropy Offends

Rueben Wells Leonard was an early Canadian tycoon straight out of central casting. He was a pioneering philanthropist whose views created controversy in life and after death.  His story is a key part of Canadian philanthropic history, and it contains some relevant lessons for today. The Man Born in 1861…

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Donating Internationally

Canadian donors who wish to support foreign charities and international charitable initiatives have historically had limited options.  While there are about 3,000 registered charities with international activities and another 700 foreign universities with qualified donee status, there are coverage gaps.  It’s a big world with lots of needs. Starting in…

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Charity Governance and Estate Donations

The headline is not intended to scare you off.  Admittedly, governance is a notoriously dull topic, made worse by the enthusiasm of governance wonks.  Charity governance is rarely a matter considered, at least overtly, by an estate donor when planning a gift by will. But strong governance is essential to good charities….

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Nuns and Money with Purpose

It’s the holidays.  A time for giving, family, and tradition.  The holiday mood inspired me to think about “money with purpose” that passes from one generation to the next – a bit like holiday traditions. Seeing my mother last weekend triggered these thoughts.  She reminded me of a story of how she led…

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Scholarships and Other Educational Awards

Student awards are one of the most popular charitable purposes, especially in estates.  Donors often strongly identify with the life changing benefit of direct educational funding to students.  Named scholarship funds are often named and constitute part of the donor’s legacy. Educational awards are such a popular purpose that there…

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Testamentary Charitable Trusts

From the 19th century to about 1990, the testamentary charitable trust was an important estate planning structure.  These trusts are part of the will and are funded after death from estate assets.  At one time, testamentary trusts were the primary way for an individual to support one or more charities…

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