All About Estates

Tag: Joint Tenancy

Total 10 Posts

All I Want for Christmas is Legal Ownership of My Yorkshire Terrier

Pictured: My beloved dog, Yuki, in her Christmas tree outfit. When thinking about what to write for this week’s blog post, I realized that I have the last Fasken slot before Christmas. This got me thinking: what can I write that’s relevant to the holidays? It then dawned on me…

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Joint tenancy: a cost-effective or costly measure to save on probate fees?

This blog has been written by Mohena Singh, Associate at Fasken LLP As an estate planner, one of the most common questions I am asked is, “How do I transfer my house or cottage to my family without paying estate administration tax?” A common way we have seen individuals attempt…

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Probate Tax Planning – Joint Tenancy May Not Always Be the Best Option

In Ontario, property that a deceased owns as a joint tenant with another person does not form part of his estate for probate tax calculation purposes. As a result, significant attention is now being paid to the use of joint ownership as an estate planning technique to reduce or avoid probate taxes for both real and personal property. However, when property is transferred into joint ownership there are many issues that should be considered other than the potential probate tax savings.

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