Litigation can be ugly. Litigation where family is involved, as is often the case in estate litigation, can bring out the worst in people. According to the court, the worst of himself is what one of the respondents brought in the recent case of Colbert v. Colbert et al, 2023…
If you’re a frequent reader of this blog, then by now it you should know that acting as a trustee comes with a minefield of obligations and duties. Sorry folks, but I’m adding one more to the pile. The Case In Galea v. Tybel et al., a trustee of a…
A child’s relationship with their parents is complicated. If a child is in extended society care, previously known as being a Crown ward, that’s probably an understatement. But what happens in the unfortunate situation that a child under society care passes away? Nobody likes to contemplate the death of a…
With real estate prices soaring, it’s no surprise that property is often at the heart of estate litigation. Certificates of pending litigation (CPLs) are a common tool used to ensure that a disputed property is not sold before the litigation is resolved. If the parties agree to remove a CPL…