All About Estates

Tag: charities

Total 7 Posts

Charities have Fiduciary Duties as Estate Beneficiaries

I recently spoke to an estate lawyer who told me she would never recommend certain charities to clients. Why?  Because of the way these charities treated estate trustees. Some charities are unduly litigious, grind on fees, and are obstreperous about releases. It’s not the first time I’ve heard this comment…

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One in Ten: Why Bequest Donors Don’t Inform Charities

One in ten.  That, according to charitable sector studies, is how many estate donors inform the charities in their will of their intentions.  While this ratio varies by charity it underscores a fascinating paradox.  Bequest donors trust charities enough to make them beneficiaries of their estate, but they don’t trust…

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In the Wake of Canada Without Poverty: Next Steps for Charities and Political Activities

Today’s blog comes to you from Student-at-Law, Jake Woloshyn In the 2018 Ontario Superior Court of Justice case, Canada Without Poverty v AG Canada, 2018 ONSC 4147 (Canada Without Poverty), Morgan J. held that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) interpretation of the ‘substantially all’ condition in s. 149.1(6.2) of the…

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Form T3010 Registered Charity Information Return and the CRA’s Initiatives

In order for a charity to maintain its charitable status, the Form T3010 Registered Charity Information Return (“T3010 Information Return”) must be filed each year within 6 months following the end of the charity’s fiscal period. Approximately two years ago, the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) created an infographic to remind…

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