All About Estates

A Lot of Plots or a Plot of Lots?

Reading my colleague Diana’s blog of a few weeks ago, ‘Whose Land Is It Anyways,  reminded me of my friend’s current challenge.  

She owns a lovely piece of  prime real estate in a prestigious and sought-after location in mid-town Toronto (off Yonge Street) with a great view!  Sounds wonderful doesn’t it! However, she can’t exactly build there and there are a few stipulations such as the lot cannot be subdivided.   As you may have guessed, this land is in Mount Pleasant cemetery.

Her Grandmother, many years ago, purchased this rather large lot which has not been disturbed in over 60 years. Neither her Grandmother nor any other family members are buried there as her Grandmother had more plots where her family had been buried. So now my friend owns 300 square feet ‘in a lovely section with abundant mature trees’ containing 7 plots of land with space for 28 burials (2 caskets and 2 cremations per plot).  Now, as none of her family are there, she does not want to be buried there either. What can she do?

Well, the question of  ‘whose land is it anyways’  is one she has had to deal with as well.  Under changes to Ontario Provincial law, she can now sell the lot privately and transfer ownership to an interested party in the presence of Mount Pleasant Internment personnel. Mount Pleasant has valued the lot at $302,265 – that’s $10,795 per burial for a family who wants to create a final resting place for a large and extended family.   Yup real estate in Toronto has certainly appreciated.

Pssst, know anyone looking for a lot of plots?

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About: Audrey Miller, Managing Director of Elder Caring Inc. has over 30 years social work and rehabilitation experience working with older individuals and their families. She advises the financial, insurance, legal and business communities regarding elder care issues. Audrey is a recognized expert in her field. Email:

1 Comment

  1. Joan

    February 25, 2019 - 2:24 pm

    Well 300 st. ft would hold a “tiny” house and there wouldn’t be the issue of noisy neighbuors!

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