All About Estates

Tag: dependant support

Total 24 Posts

The Ultimate Paper Anniversary Gift: Why a Will Is an Act of Love

Today’s blog was written by Jessica Butler, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP. This past Tuesday, October 15th, marked a significant milestone for me an my husband – one whole year of marital bliss! With the traditional first-anniversary gift being paper, I found myself thinking about a particularly profound paper: a…

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Lack of Financial Disclosure Comes at a Significant Financial Cost

Today’s Blog Post was written by Gabrielle Arbic-Lloyd, Student-at-Law at Fasken LLP In February, the Ontario Court of Appeal ordered one spouse to pay the other more than one million dollars in costs in addition to spousal and child support. So what motivated the Court to order this spouse to…

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Demonstrating Financial Need in a Dependant Support Claim

Today’s blog was written by Tyler Lin, student-at-law with de VRIES LITIGATION LLP When a person passes away, what happens to those who were depending on them? In Ontario, the requirement to provide for your dependants does not end on death. Where the deceased has failed to leave adequate support…

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Deleon v DeRanney and the Definition of “child” Under the SLRA

In Deleon v. DeRanney, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice awarded some dependant support to a non-biological child who was part of the deceased’s unconventional family. As blog readers may be aware, the Succession Law Reform Act (SLRA) does not require that a child be the biological offspring of the…

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Home Buyer’s Plan and Disabled Family Member

In a recent blog, I wrote about the availability of Home Buyer’s Plan (HBP) to an individual after the death of her spouse who purchased the matrimonial home. In a recent Technical Interpretation (2019-0819671E5, D. Odubella), the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) was asked by a taxpayer to review the availability…

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Disability Tax Credit Claim: Denied on Appeal

As many of you know the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is a credit to income tax otherwise payable, available for those with a severe or prolonged impairment. It is meant to provide some relief from the additional costs and expenses incurred associated with the impairment. I have written in the…

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Henson Trusts

Qualifying for support under various government disability programs in the form of cash payments or benefits often means that a recipient must have income and assets below a certain level. Without careful planning an intended inheritance may unintentionally serve to cut off a beneficiary’s government support. A Henson Trust allows…

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