and most importantly, this is a story with a happy ending 🙂 I would like to tell you about a friend of mine, who I’ll call D. D’s father developed signs of dementia in his late 70’s. Her mother began showing signs in her mid-80’s, and was formally diagnosed with…
Tag: Alzheimers
I do a lot of work in the insurance industry. Recently, I came across a court case which I thik is a cautionary tale for estate planners and executors. In Gregson v. CAA Insurance., 2021 ONSC 3041, Ms. Gregson was a property owner and name insured on March 17,2017 when…
Are there any ‘THIS IS US’ fans out there? I watched the Season 5 Premier this past weekend. No spoiler alerts here but it was a very timely show, which discussed Covid, Black Lives Matter and feuding siblings. However for today’s blog I thought I would write about Rebecca’s diagnosis…
Are there any other “This Is Us” fans who eagerly awaited episode 10 last week? Spoiler alert for those who have not yet watched. Yes, as we suspected, Rebecca was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Her diagnosis is a fitting introduction for today’s blog as January is Alzheimers’ Awareness…
In my opinion, dementia is our greatest health crisis. It is a disease that is not based on culture, gender, ethnicity, or social economic background although there is some current research that there may be some modifiable factors. Alzheimers is the most common form of dementia and one that impacts…
Last week I had the pleasure of presenting to a group of caregivers from the Alzheimers Society Kingston Frontenac & Addington chapter. One thing that everyone in the group had in common was that they were all loving someone who had a diagnosis of dementia. Just to refresh terminology, “dementia…
Let’s take a moment to consider one of the biggest health crises that we will be facing over the next several years. A health diagnosis that not only robs people of their memories but a health crisis that can destroy families. Without planning, I fear it may also bankrupt our…
Congratulations Canada! 150 years young and we are living longer than ever. Along with long life often comes disability and for many dementia is, in my opinion, the most threatening disease of today. Finally we have joined the ranks of the more progressive countries, those that are preparing themselves for…
It is hard enough when a loved one forgets; but it is also very painful when family forget …. about who the older person is and who they were. Many times older people are seen as just that old folks- who may be wrinkled, forgetful, stooped over and hard of…
I am not a big fan of statistics but these figures are worth noting. Today there are more seniors over age 65 than children under age 14. Not only are we living longer but adults over 100 years of age are the fastest growing age group. Today’s life expectancy is…