A friend sent me this Mother’s Day greeting:
“To the World
You are a Mother.
But to your Family
You are the World!”
I don’t know who wrote it, but I believe the sentiment. We all have had a mother and chances are this person shaped our lives more than any one else. For many of us, our mothers were our first loving and significant relationship. Our mothers influenced us, guided us, taught us, and loved us- unconditionally. A mother-daughter relationship is unique. I share many of the same traits as my own mother and things that I may (or may not) admire in her, I can see in myself. My mother and I look alike and I can see how I am going to age over the next several years. We also share some of those family traits and health concerns that are genetically familial.
In my day to day work with families, I see many different mother- child relationship. Most are loving and caring and others that seem to be so complicated and challenging, I wonder what their history was together. When frailty and dementia are evident, sometimes we have to look a little deeper to remember the happy and healthier times.
My heart goes out to those who have recently lost their mother; these Hallmark holidays are difficult. I also think about those moms that are no longer able to remember some of their shared stories and this too is difficult. I know I am one of the lucky ones. I shared a wonderful day with my sons and I was able to tell my mom that I love her.