All About Estates

Month: November 2022

Total 17 Posts

New Trust Reporting Requirements Postponed Yet Again!

Today’s blog was written by Pritika Deepak, Associate at Fasken LLP. Several tax practitioners and professionals alike breathed a sigh of relief on November 3rd, 2022, when Parliament confirmed that the enhanced tax reporting obligations for trusts shall be postponed once more. As per draft legislation published on August 9,…

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Can a Power of Attorney for Property Change a Beneficiary Designation?

Today’s blog is written by Jessica J. Butler, Law Clerk at Fasken LLP. Powers of attorney can be an area of confusion for those clients looking to create or update their estate plans. Clients can be uncertain as to what kinds of duties and responsibilities someone appointed under a power…

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Royalties She Wrote: Angela Lansbury, Jessica Fletcher and literary executors

This Blog was written by Jane Martin, Scotia Wealth Management The recent passing of Angela Lansbury has me engulfed in an impromptu “Murder She Wrote” festival, and like any good estate planning professional (tell me I am not alone in this), I’ve been thinking about whether fictional Jessica Fletcher had her…

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